2020: Nikoleta Morales
Nikoleta Morales is an award-winning entertainment journalist and author. She won five awards in this year's IWPA Mate E. Palmer Communications contest: first place in the reviews category, second place in personal essays, third place in the print-based newspaper category, and third place in the arts and entertainment category, as well as an honorable mention [...]
5 Things Frank Lloyd Wright Taught Me About Starting a Freelance Career
On Saturday, March 24, IWPA members and guests took a guided tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park, IL. As a budding writers, here are my 5 takeaways from this event. Branding is critical to marketing your work for building an image to consumers. Today, we’re oversaturated with advertising logos [...]
Opening Doors
In the long-fought battle to achieve equal opportunities for women, opening the doors to men can be a powerful weapon When I joined the Illinois Woman’s Press Association (IWPA), a decade ago, I felt a lot like the protagonist in Lost in the Ivy, the contemporary mystery I had published: lost and confused. It isn’t [...]
IWPA Member Fanny Butcher to Be Inducted Into Chicago Literary Hall of Fame
Illinois Woman’s Press Association P.O. Box 180150, Chicago, Illinois 60618 www.iwpa.org CHICAGO – March 28, 2017 — Chicago Literary Hall of Fame (CLHOF) and Illinois Woman’s Press Association (IWPA) are proud to announce the induction of Chicago Tribune writer and critic Fanny Butcher into the CLHOF. A celebratory event will be held at Newberry Library [...]