Meetup: Writer’s Workshop

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This is a ‘choose-your-own’ writers workshop! We will have prompts available for poetry, prose, blogs and news commentary. You are encouraged to free write or work on something else if none of the prompts feel right. You can also utilize the resources available at the library to find inspiration.

We will not have writing materials available so please bring your own laptop, notebook, pens, etc., whatever you need to write. Liz might have a few spare pens and scrap paper but don’t count on it.

We will be meeting in the North Community Room from 12-3pm. There will be a sign in sheet and printouts for each prompt. We will be writing from 12-2:30. From 2:30-3pm there will be an optional discussion where you will have an opportunity to discuss what you are working on and seek feedback from the group if desired.

We have plenty of room so please feel free to bring friends and family!

RSVP via the link below. Or email to confirm your attendance if you don’t have a Meetup account.

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