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Illinois Woman’s Press Association
P.O. Box 180150, Chicago, Illinois  60618

CHICAGO – March 27, 2017 — The Illinois Woman’s Press Association (IWPA), an affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW), honors the best professional journalists, writers and communicators in the state through the annual Mate E. Palmer Professional Communications Contest.

Communicators may enter work in any of over 64 categories and subcategories. Examples include Writing, Editing and Page Design, Photography and Graphics, Radio/Television, Web and Social Media, Advertising, Public Relations/Promotion/Publicity, PR Materials, Speeches, Collegiate/Education and Books and Creative Writing.

The communicator’s work must have been completed between January 01, 2016, and December 31, 2016. Entries were submitted electronically before February 06, 2017. More information is available by emailing IWPA1885@gmail.com or visiting the Contests page of iwpa.org.

Judges are chosen from a range of appropriately trained and employed communication professionals, from college professors to freelance writers, authors and art directors. Judges provide comments and feedback on all entries that are received. Categories and judging criteria are a mix of traditional and up-to-date with changes every year to accommodate the evolving communications landscape.

Alison Flowers took a 1st place for her book Exoneree Diaries: The Fight for Innocence, Independence, and Identity. Other 1st place winners include: Suzanne Hanney, Becky Sarwate , Tim Libretti, Teresa Albano, Joshua Friedberg, Marianne Wolf-Astrauskas, Patricia Szpekowski, Stephanie Taylor, Mary Wagner, Anne Welsbacher, Noreen Hernandez, Lolita Ditzler, and Carrie Reffitt. All first place state winners are eligible to move on to the NFPW contest. IWPA wishes theses talents the best of luck.

Member and 2015 Silver Feather winner Terrie Albano wrote, “The Illinois Woman’s Press Association awards were announced today. Happy to say I won seven 1st awards, two 2nd place awards and two 3rd place awards. It feels good. But what I really, really appreciate is the judges’ feedback. Encouraging, insightful and helpful…thank you to all the judges for your hard work…It is a welcome sight to see thought-provoking and change-making writing recognized.”

Each state winner of 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Honorable Mention will receive a certificate, with 1st place winners going on to compete nationally. IWPA presents the Silver Feather Award to the communicator achieving the highest number of points among contest entrants. The 2017 Silver Feather Award winner this year is IWPA Membership Chair Tim Libretti who earned seven 1st place awards, seven 2nd place awards, one 3rd place and three Honorable Mentions.

For more information, contact Beth Dugan, Contest Chair, at iwpa1885@gmail.com or 773-742-2465.